IT Management
Support at a senior management level with Plc experience and expertise.
Often medium sized businesses don’t have a dedicated IT director or leader, unique disciplines that provide greater insights beyond a traditional IT manager. Decisions can fall to someone who may not have the confidence or time to ensure strategic goals are achieved.
Through our associates we're pleased to provide board level IT management representation.
We offer a broad range of IT leadership services designed to provide advice, direction and deliver the requirements defined by the management team.
Invaluable insights can help ensure your IT function is optimised for delivery, provide mentoring and succession planning, portfolio management and vendor managements, policies and procedures, risk management, compliance, strategy, cost management, disaster recovery and business continuity.
Interim and virtual IT leadership programmes provide a great way to supplement your management team with flexible industry specific experience and establish frameworks which an IT team can then maintain.
Our associate roles include CIO, CTO and IT directorship, delivering leadership, change and project management.
Additionally our associates are available to provide specific auditing assignments and a health check in areas such as governance, strategy, supplier management and talent assessments, provide clarity and actionable results.
Each associate comes with a vast amount of Plc, SME and multi-sector board level experience providing a great flexible and short term solution. They can start straight away so you don't have to worry about recruitment, fees, notice periods and can work to flexible rolling agreements.